About Me
A landscape artist, that also tells the history of the landscape. Through historical and physical research, I hope to visually capture events that occurred in the past and how those events have led to the wild, abandoned landscape that we see today.
Traditionally a landscape painter, I paint the dramatic landscape around me.
My last body of work visually captured the dramatic landscape of the Scottish Highlands. I now wish to dig a little deeper into the history of the land and reflect back on the reality of life in the Scottish Highlands during the ‘Clearances’ and represent this reality visually, recognising how human inhabitation and use of the land has shaped the landscape we see today. The reality of the lives in particular to those who have been displaced from their ancestral homelands plays an important role in my imagery. I research the individual stories of evictions that took place during the Clearances and recreate the narrative visually. Historical research for my inspiration comes from many sources that make reference to the clearances, from poetic verse, government commissioned reports to historical documentaries together with onsite visits to museums and the sites where the events took place.
Thrèigsinn – Abandoned Exhibition 2024
The Scottish landscape has for centuries has been a subject for artists to paint. I and contemporary landscape artists continue to produce paintings depicting the wild abandoned, dramatic, mountainous landscape. Yet, the history behind its appearance has seldom been visually explored.
Throughout the straths and glens families who had lived and farmed the land for centuries were forcibly moved to make way for sheep and deer, leaving the landscape barren and empty of people. Many of these families emigrated overseas, some settled in small fishing villages around the coast, where they attempted to scratch a meagre living from fishing and collecting kelp. When famine struck the region in the 1840’s many were forced to move again, abandoned homes remain as a reminder of their presence. Through continued owner mismanagement the depopulation continued into the 20th century leaving hunting lodges, farms, and shepherd huts empty. This pattern of depopulation continues today through lack of affordable housing.
This exhibition explores each phase of abandonment, allowing the viewer to walk through the timeline of events. I use the map motif, as maps traditionally help us to navigate the world, visually illustrating the shape of the land, directing us on journeys. They rely on visual language to transfer knowledge ideas and stories between people. Here, two-sided map images, contain the visual documentation of the abandoned home; the reverse reveals archival images containing the details of the families who once inhabited the homes. QR codes then allow you to take a journey and to virtually walk in the steps of those gone before.
University of Derby
Master of Fine Art
University Derby
BA (hons) Fine Art
Leek School of Art
Foundation Degree, Creative Art & Design - Distinction